Ginger Bread Cookies

 Tis’  the time of the year when jingle bells are ringing and Mariah Carey's ‘All I Want For Christmas is You’ is near on repeat.  In Australia though, Christmas isn’t quite the same as our northern hemisphere friend (read, almost entirely opposite) but what makes it feel a little more festive is the smell of gingerbread cookies baking. We gave this classic recipe a delicious superfood twist with our Golden State Super Latte powder. This produces a dough that is easy to make and cookies that are so fun to decorate.

 gluten free gingerbread cookie

Instead of a snap crisp biscuit we’ve opted for crunchy on the outside, a little soft on the inside texture and consistency. So bring out your Christmas cookie cutters, icing and sprinkles and get your kids and friends to help decorate. Use them as festive table decorations, gifts for friends, and for dunking in your Super Latte.




Time: 1 hour 15 min

Serves:  24-30 or more depending on cookie size




1 Flax egg (1 tbsp ground flaxseeds & 3 tbsp hot water)
¼ cup Softened Nut Butter
¼ cup Molasses
¼ cup Maple Syrup
½ tsp Vanilla
1 ½ tbsp Peanut Butter



    2 cups All purpose flour (GF)
    1 tp Baking Soda
    1 tsp Ginger Powder
    2 tbsp Knowrish Well Golden State Super Latte powder
    ¼ tsp Nutmeg
    ½ tsp Cinnamon powder
    ⅓ cup Soft Brown Sugar
    ¼ tsp Salt or as desired
    2 tbsp of Finely Diced Naked Ginger Pieces (optional)



      1. Make the flax egg first. In a small cup or bowl mix 1 tbsp ground flaxseeds and 3 tbsp warm water. Stir to combine then set aside for at least 5 minutes to thicken.
      2. Combine all dry ingredients in a bowl and mix well.
      3. In a separate bowl add in all the wet ingredients and whisk until completely combined.
      4. Gradually add the dry ingredient mixture into the wet mix until the sticky dough forms.
      5. Divide into 2 portions, wrap dough in plastic film and chill in the fridge for at least 30 minutes.
      6. Roll chilled dough out on the floured board to 3cm thick. Use cutters to cut out shapes. Reroll any leftovers and cut more cookies leaving no waste!
      7. Use a spatula to transfer each cookie on the baking sheet. We suggest using baking paper to line your tray.
      8. Bake for at least 13 minutes and remove straight away or it will go too hard.
      9. Allow to cool for at least 13 minutes before you decorate to avoid the icing to melt.



        1. Molasses can be replaced with rice malt syrup or maple syrup
        2. If dough is too dry or crumbly just add 1-2 tbsp warm water
        3. Spices and sweetness can be adjusted to your liking
        4. Store cookies covered at room temperature


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