Blue Dream Popsicles

Here in Australia, the heat is truly upon us. While we love the warmer months, the sweatiness of it all can get a little overbearing. In times like these, a popsicle certainly wouldn’t go astray. But we're not talking your average frozen treat. No no, if we’re going to treat ourselves we’re going to do it the best way we know how: with creamy coconutty homemade popsicles that are as easy on the eye as they are on the palette. 

Blue Dream Popsicles

This is one recipe we can genuinely say is melt-in-your-mouth amazing. Super cute and super simple to make, the hardest part about it is merely having to wait. If you find yourself eagerly checking the freezer to see if your popsicles have set, don’t feel bad as we did the exact same thing ;)


This is also an awesome vegan alternative to the dairy-containing pops that are uber popular among children (and adults too, let’s be real), if not a little more gourmet. If you have little ones following in your dietary footsteps, this is a surefire way to make sure they aren’t missing out on the summer fun. We believe when switching diets, you shouldn’t have to turn your back on the foods that make you happy, simply adapt them! 

Blue Dream Popsicles

For added flavour and a stunning visual element that takes these treats to a whole new level, we created a sweet coconut drizzle to dress these pretty little pops in. We went for a simple criss-cross design but of course you can decorate them however you like, anything is popsicle so let your inner Picasso take the lead!

Blue Dream Popsicles

Be sure to tag us in your poppin’ pics @knowrishwell #knowrishwell so we can reminisce on the good times when we still had popsicles :) Xx Knowrish Well



Prep & cook time: 6 hours 30 mins (including freeze time)
Makes: 6 popsicles



1 can coconut cream
1 tsp vanilla bean extract
½ tsp Monk Fruit Juice Powder
5 tsp Knowrish Well Blue Dream Latte


¼ cup coconut yoghurt
2 1/4 tbsp coconut oil, melted
2 tbsp almond milk
1 tbsp maple syrup


  1. In a large bowl, whisk together the coconut cream, vanilla and monk fruit powder until smooth and creamy.
  2. Add the Knowrish Well Blue Dream Latte and mix to ensure it is well combined.
  3. Pour the mixture evenly into popsicle moulds and place in the freezer for at least 6 hours.
  4. Make the drizzle by combining the Coconut Drizzle ingredients together in a small bowl. Mix well to ensure ingredients are combined.
  5. Take the popsicles out of the moulds by running the outside under warm /hot water, it should easily slide out, place the popsicles on a plate.
  6. Put the coconut drizzle into a pipping bag and pipe individually over the popsicles. Sprinkle with Coconut Chips/ nut flakes or freeze dried berries

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