4 Things to Let Go Of in 2022

New Years resolutions, we love them, but we also kind of dislike them? While we are absolutely all for goal setting, positive intentions and working toward something new or challenging, we also know resolutions can make you feel guilty or shameful of where you were at until this point. Along with this, it's hard to crystal gaze and keep guessing what 2022 will look like or what 2022 will bring in these completely unprecedented time (remember when our innocent selves thought 2021 would see the end of the pandemic?). With this in mind, we’re letting go of some behaviours that act as obstacles to truly achieving your resolutions. When we master this, think of it as foundation work, we can then put all our new year resolution framework on top! Knowrish Well fam, here’s 4 things to put on your 2022 to do list.


1. Letting go of negativity

It’s easy to get overwhelmed with negativity and ask, “Why me?". While sometimes it can be easier said than done, practising seeing the good in every situation can be extremely freeing and sets us up for better outcomes. Being grateful for the small things and finding happiness is a key resolution that we want to bring into our lives in order to find more fulfilment. Tip: find a moment to write something you are grateful for in the morning and at the end of our day.

2022 Things to do

2. Resisting change 

The world is changing every day and it’s something we all must come to accept. Some people cope with change well, but others find it harder to adapt. Here’s the thing, resisting change is like resisting to breathe. Change is a huge part of our lives, and we’d be bored if we didn’t go through at least some changes in our lives. Change brings a whole new set of learning or experiences to us, and we adapt and embrace these changes we’re less likely to feel bitter and more likely to feel empowered.


3. Letting go of dwelling on the past and worrying about the future 

We can’t change what has happened in the past nor do we know what the future holds. What we can change is how we look at it. Set small goals and work towards them. When we break down our large goals (or what we want for our future) into smaller goals that are more achievable we feel more in control and are motivated to keep going. When we are achieving things, even small things that you might think aren’t important like drinking enough water in the day, we are less inclined to dwell on the past because our present feels good and optimistic.

Healthy eating in 2022

4. Letting go of unhealthy eating

Something we have found is that people want to really look after their health and an amazing way of doing that is eating healthy to give your body nutrients. At Knowrish Well we are so passionate about this, and the name Knowrish came from a combination of ‘knowledge’ and ‘nourish’ because we believe when you understand the food or supplements you are eating, you feel more empowered to make healthier choices. Good nutrition doesn't have to mean ‘losing weight and dieting’ it's also about feeding your body with nutrients that will look after you (the most important person in your life) long term. Food and nutrition is connected to so many benefits, including our mental health and our gut health. When we feed our bodies the good stuff, we’re giving it the energy to chase after those goals and intentions you’ve set for yourself. 


This year we’ve decided that we are letting go of negativity and producing good vibes only. 

Some things to remind ourselves this year to both ourselves and to each other:  Be kind, be patient and be grateful. Think 2022 is my year. 

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